When completed, you can get 1300 mining experience, which will put you at level 10 mining. You can also do Doric’s quest, which is about 5 minutes only. You will need level 10 mining to complete this quest. The first quest will be the knight’s sword quest which will grant you 12725 smithing experience, and 1 quest point, which will directly put you at level 29 smithing which will save you a decent amount of time over smithing bronze and iron items. We can smith 1200 bars per hour if we don’t need to bank, so I will add up the human factor and banking time to get 900 to 1000 bars. This will depend on the item smith because some of the items will require two, three, or even five bars, but we will assume smithing between 900 to 1000 bars per hour for this guide. Our main focus is on the smithing bar, which will be done in the anvil, and you should know how many smithing bars or actions can be made per hour. A recipe for disaster (pirate Pete) – 1000 XPĮvery action in Runescape involves a game tick, and it is involved every 0.6 seconds, which will give us 100 ticks per minute or 6000 ticks per hour.This is the following smithing XP quest and its XP. There are 12 quests that you can do to get to level 99 in smithing. Several quests are easy to do to cut down on your leveling progress to smithing level 99.
There can also be profitable, but it depends on the demand and profit. This smithing guide can be done in an extremely lazy afk method, provided you are ok with losing some small amount of money or breaking even. Today we will learn a couple of different afk lazy ways to get to 99 smithing.