I In Vancouver, If was reported 1 portatlon. Ho called for the tauneduie re- p., W er to lake such action. The city council did not have the “In addition the men receive con. Was too 11(11* too late."' ,n Vancouver, Mayor George said wage at |1 21. the result again proves the offn 0ren ^ c ° t ul J 1 ^ ve pU,ced lhelr hOU “ y.might repeal *tBl| which the men would have received. , „ The boy was riding In a JeepĮurope and BcnntUnavla Indicate west Const of the Island. ’ Reports coming from Central Japanese mine reported off the. unsuccessful attempt to locate the w as not successful, they said.

search party last The motor launch was ordered to today in an accident on the T*ou-ġ liberation and the reconstruction night returned to Victoria after an patrol a long urea of shore but this hale in Road. Order to ensure Russo- Oerman col- Coast, an R.C.N. Leaders of the Moscow committee In busters." spreads along the Pacific urea but the mine wu not sighted ,ch«n Station, wu fatally Injured Support to the German generals and As the menace of "floating block- had been conducted over a wide Mr "id Mrs. "The Soviet Government lends Its * %/ las Shaw, 12-yrar-old son of R Europe and Scandinavia Indicate West Const of the Island 1 ^ »he menace cotttlnuw to floau drlvmg. „ 1 The boy was riding In a jeep 1 hr xn * di **' Committee r* Derated hie previous r-aatl m^s III SiameRP Coup I -Reports coming from Central Japanese mine reported off the. Daughter Hivsp.uU, 1 *' Th _ rf4 „ ' hr C,r, " ,er Vl J u,rt » J r »~P« rt * h> n / rom U ‘ f s,iirl o( lhe ne * I unsuccessful attempt to locate the uas not successful, they & a,cl. He died in King's I 1 1 I tit tit ” ' 1 f. Premier I'ri^OIltT laboratlor and the reconstruction night returned to Victoria after an patrol a long urea of shore but this hale in Road. search party last The motor launch wm ordered to »«d»y »n an accident on the Tbou- /)/ / '/»»»# / f 4 /j »» / ' A!. O order to ensure Ftawo-German col- Coast, an R.G.N. Leaders of the Moscow committee In busters,” spreads along the Pacific area but the mine wu not sighted chan Station, wo.
wer to lake such action ce^-lon* in Uie form of free Irani. ieai llUUCan j called for the immediaie re- p.

J committee of German army l*»d- X v " t H'l' UT w M. eld a sv, at *1 21.ġ11 V 1 (Ukl O ,«ed though the -free Germany /\ // f//# 4 S/>// # V* /# T HI IK R.rul \ear ll.mrin the city council did not have the' "In Addition the men s* cn. rr ^ by-.uw as has *en suggested This could have placed their hĪ 1*111 V 3 il onei-t* or war Irv la con- mT JO f fTf * I J? i^Ute'“ in Vimcouver, Ma>or George. I Oeorge Mormon, IntcroatlonaT or ** ->,vĪ T I _ ™ 2 °'T prti I 111 /ittiunil T:™. Gcorre total Increase of 26 cents an bour about a settlement.” stated Mayor c*ru rash increase, represented a Waymen had demanded Increain?* of 0 f the three cities concerned have w| th tl *r combination of ths reduc-Ģ0 ttou an hour and an immediate done all in theu power to bruv 'turn In working h.iuxs and the ten (by September, 1048 The street rail- fair proproal and 1 feel the mayors lie ‘aid "the net effect of the offer, hour p*y boost and 40-hour week "The latest company offer waa a Malnwarlng. Offer of an imfhediate 10- cent- an- FAIR PROPOSAL". On a re'-um-to-work compromise i '-'Utcnine nr the vote. The 2,800 transit woraers voted l ' xtrerac *3 f disappointed with the to | iaV e any appreciation of tha Night he was "very surprised and community responsibility in falling 1.,ere were three * M ulement of the strike, aald la.1 ter dilp has completely ignored lts endeavored tlrelewly to bring about U lrU e 1 feel that the union nitin. Voted 2,018 to reject and MO to ac- Mu>ur Pfrcy E C,r " rKr * ho hfL " »» d suitable aetUement of the Transit workers in the threr citit* ' Labor Minister W lamer. Torla local Mild last night the HCEH and the Intervention of "Uur company ha. MCTORIA, BRITISH COLl MBIA, SI MIA Y, NOVEMBER 9, 191Ĭlaims Weapons Beinf the Vic-, oppn, ng u f negotiation* with the c ,f Vancouver Island operations, Along roast and over low-lying areas till noon.