If your system’s not ready to give up the ghost quite yet, consider scheduling annual maintenance and inspections by your local plumber to stay ahead of problematic pipes. Proactive replacement can help you save thousands of dollars in repair work and potential water damage.

If your home is older than 25 years, your plumbing system may be nearing the end of its lifespan.
Locating hidden water leaks professional#
If it does, you’ll want to phone a professional plumber immediately. To test for a leaky toilet tank, simply add a few drops of food coloring to the water in your tank, then wait 10 minutes and check to see if any of the coloring makes its way into the toilet bowl. While this won’t present itself as an obvious leak, it’ll show up on your water bill. If you’ve exhausted yourself trying to locate a leak you know is there, may we suggest the toilet test? A toilet tank leak can allow water to make its way from the tank into our toilet bowl and down the drain without anyone flushing the toilet. Not only does this lead to higher utility bills, it can cause major water and property damage if ignored. Massive amounts of water can be lost due to an irrigation leak.

Homeowners with irrigation systems installed in their yards should check these for leaks as well and have them inspected by a professional plumber on an annual basis. An easy way to check for outdoor faucet leaks is to attach a garden hose to the faucet, turn on the water and watch to see if water drips through the connection while turned on. “Out of sight, out of mind” means it’s easy to forget about outdoor spigots. A plumber can evaluate your pipe problems and repair them right away. If your faucet-faring habits are on the consevative side and you’re still paying top dollar, you’re probably losing water to a hidden leak. If your water bill seems astronomically high, you might be using more water than is appropriate for the size of your household. The US Environmental Protection Agency reports that water usage for a family of four shouldn’t exceed 12, 000 gallons per month. Either scenario warrants a call to your local Ardmore plumber right away. If it’s changed by then, you have a slow leak on your hands. If it does not change, wait two hours and check again. If it moves, a fast-moving leak is the likely culprit. Next, check your water meter for changes. To use this method of water-leak detection, ensure that all faucets are shut off and that the dishwasher and washing machine aren’t running.

If you suspect a water leak but you’re just not sure, your water meter can settle the debate. It’s wise to call a professional plumber right away to evaluate your pipes. This could mean you’re dealing with an underground leak. A steady rise in costs when your water usage habits haven’t changed could indicate a slow leak, while a sudden spike in costs points to a serious issue. If you notice you’re shelling out more for water than you’re used to, take a look at the last few months’ worth of water bills. Homeowners who suspect a leak but are unable to find it can try the following methods: 1. Unfortunately, leaks aren’t always that easy to find. This means checking underneath sinks and behind cabinets for signs of water, water damage or mold and mildew growth. The first areas to check for a leak are also the most obvious ones. Call (580) 223-1780 to talk to one of our expert team members today. Looking for a “plumber near me”? Service Plumbing Co Inc. Read on to learn how you can become the leak-locating legend you were born to be. In this post, our experts share 5 ways to find hidden water leaks in your home. While some leaks announce themselves loud and clear and are quite obvious to find, others are a bit more elusive. Water damage leads to unpleasant odors and major mildew and mold growth, not to mention costly repairs and skyrocketing utility bills. If you suspect a water leak in your home, your best move is to schedule residential plumbing services right away. Pesky leaks can become more than a hassle when left unchecked for too long.